Our Expert Skincare Advice
Discover more about making the most of your skin with our expert advice. Whether you’re solving a problem like acne or melasma or tackling the signs of premature ageing, we’ve got you covered.

My Winter Retinoid Night Routine
I wanted to share my current retinoid night time routine because it’s such a challenging time of year for using potent actives and I find myself struggling a bit with my prescription retinoid, giv...

My Favourite Acne Treatments - Tretinoin
One of the oldest retinoids but still one of the best and certainly the most studied as it’s been used in dermatology since the 1960s. Retinoids are central to the treatment of acne because of the...

Retinol, Retin-A and Retinoids - All You Need To Know About Vitamin A
Retinol, Retin-A and Retinoids - All You Need To Know About Vitamin A Interest in retinoids has never been higher. But with so much choice, it’s also never been more confusing - how do you go abo...

5 Mistakes You’re Making With Exfoliation That Could Wreck Your Skin
Exfoliation is one of the most controversial steps in skincare. And it’s probably the one that’s responsible for the most mishaps. Largely down to human error. There’s so much sharing of skincare ...

Retinoids and the Lips Y’all know I’m a retinoid cheerleader. But the one thing I’ve not honed in on in a video so far is the potential fall-out for our lips of misplaced retinoid. Dare I say it...

Customise your Skincare Active Ingredients Like A Pro!
One of the reasons why we get such great results at the clinic is the bespoke nature of the plans Dr Emma, Rakesh and I put together for our patients. It’s incredibly common for people to be und...

Prescription Retinoids? Combining Actives? Your Acne Questions Answered! Part 2
Actives confuse people. No doubt. And that confusion is magnified in the context of acne, when if used incorrectly, skin breaks out more and gets irritated. It’s a real minefield. So I thought I...

From Retinol to Sunscreen: 1 Year of Dr Sam’s Skincare!
1 year. 1 crazy/turbulent/life-affirming/downright-dramatic-but-ultimately-fulfilling year. Starting my own skincare brand has been a goal for so long that I forget how many twists and turns the...

Starting A Retinoid - The Golden Zone!
Welcome to Cycle 3 (which I consider week 12 and beyond ) - this is the delightful period of comfort and escalation. If you’ve been able to follow the programme so far, you’ll be entering the go...

Why I Developed A Serum For People Confused By Serums
Meet Flawless Nightly Serum! If you’re reading this blog, you probably already know that Active ingredients (+ sunscreen!) are the key to solving the 2 biggest concerns in skincare today – premat...

Starting a Retinoid - The 2nd Skin Cycle
Congratulations on completing your Tough Love phase. You’ve had faith that the good stuff lies over the hill... and you’re near the top! Typically, if you’ve gotten through your Tolerance phase, a...

Retinoid Struggles - The Early Days
So you’ve got your retinoid. You’ve got your technique down. Now what? So I think the key questions are very simple. Decide how much. And decide how often. Then assemble your support products and...