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Azelaic Acid 101: How To Use It & What Are The Benefits?

Azelaic Acid 101: How To Use It & What Are The Benefits?

I’ve seen a few patients this week who’ve not been using their azelaic acid treatment correctly. For those of you who are new to azelaic acid, it’s a dicarboxylic acid that has a host of benefits...

Which acid is best? Azelaic Acid or Salicylic Acid?

Which acid is best? Azelaic Acid or Salicylic Acid?

Now I love’em both. And whilst there are lots of instances where I combine them, sometimes it’s just not the best way forward. Are you shocked??  Well, let’s explore this!  Firstly, let’s consider...

How To Use Azelaic Acid For Best Results

How To Use Azelaic Acid For Best Results

It’s my most loved acid. Its almost always on my recommended ingredients list and yet its still not as widely known as it should be (although I’m working on that!!!)    However I STILL get tons o...

My Favourite  Acne Treatments - Azelaic Acid

My Favourite Acne Treatments - Azelaic Acid

Oh, azelaic acid, how I love thee.  No other active ingredient is so versatile and effective across so many different concerns, but one of its main benefits is in the treatment of acne. And consum...

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Azelaic Acid - 10 Reasons You Need This Acid in Your Morning Routine!

Azelaic Acid - 10 Reasons You Need This Acid in Your Morning Routine!

Acids are one of the most exciting areas of skincare right now But is Azelaic Acid the one that comes to mind? Well, it should be! This is the unsung hero of skincare. And one I’ve been talki...

Acne AND Rosacea? You NEED Azelaic Acid In Your Skincare Routine!

Acne AND Rosacea? You NEED Azelaic Acid In Your Skincare Routine!

If I had to choose just one Active ingredient which could deliver multiple benefits in many different clinic situations, Azelaic Acid would be a strong contender for top position. This versatile m...