Our Expert Skincare Advice
Discover more about making the most of your skin with our expert advice. Whether you’re solving a problem like acne or melasma or tackling the signs of premature ageing, we’ve got you covered.

4 Decisive Actions You Can Take Today To Prevent Acne Scarring
Did you know that a spot has a 6% risk of turning into a scar? Acne scarring is miserable. It can take lots of treatment and expense to improve, and resolution isn’t always possible. And some i...

How To Use An Acne Spot Treatment The RIGHT Way!
If there’s one thing I want to help you with, it's solving spots. And I know it can be really hard sometimes to know what goes where in your routine. Especially when it comes to tackling unpredicta...

Acne: When Is The Right Time To Seek Expert Help?
Acne is the most common skin disorder we see in the clinic and it's something of a specialty because we know that changing skin changes lives. And yet so many of us put up with breakouts despit...

Have you ever looked in the mirror and been unable to see past a spot? I know I have, because I’m sitting here writing this blog with the worst spot I’ve had in years. Literally Mount Vesuvius is...

The 6 Commonest Mistakes I See In Acne Treatment
Acne is the commonest skin concern and will affect almost all of us at some point in our lives. And yet there’s still a lot of misinformation around treatment and this can potentially wreak havoc...

My Favourite Acne Treatments - Tretinoin
One of the oldest retinoids but still one of the best and certainly the most studied as it’s been used in dermatology since the 1960s. Retinoids are central to the treatment of acne because of the...

My Favourite Acne Treatments - Adapalene (Differin)
Retinoid-obsessive, it’s no small thing that adapalene is my 2nd most prescribed in clinic. Why? Well, it's a 3rd generation synthetic retinoid. It’s been engineered to be less irritating and thu...

What Is Benzoyl Peroxide Used For?
Acne is still the biggest skin bugbear we face. So, I thought it the perfect time to revisit one of my favourite tried-and-tested solutions: benzoyl peroxide. What is benzoyl peroxide made of? It’...

Reacting To a Popular “Daily” Acne Scrub
This product is a failure from the moment you read the instructions. Exfoliators for Acne Sadly, we now know that the correct approach to treating the complex disorder that is acne is no mechanic...

Dr Rakesh Answers Your Questions on Acne Scarring
Hi guys! Dr Rakesh here taking over the blog (and giving Sam the day off!) to answer your questions on everything Acne Scarring. 1. Could you walk us through the different types of acne scars...

Reacting to your AcneSolved Questions + Comments
It’s really rewarding to feel that my video content might have actually made a real difference to your skin - it’s the reason I create content and do what I do. I’m of the belief that so many of u...

Purging & Irritation: How to Handle The Challenges!
How far along you are will be determined by how tolerant or not your skin is. Think about it- you’ll make progress quicker if your skin is very easygoing + oily (so you can escalate your applicati...